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Pregnancy Album

I’m expecting my second little boy next month! I wanted to document the pregnancy journey with this one because I realize that time flies. Our family loves to look back and remember the little moments while we wait. I’m going to share this 4×4 pregnancy journey photo album with you – all products from Close to My Heart.

Pregnancy Album

I chose this 4×4 album from the Story by Stacy Collection at Close to My Heart. It was perfect for documenting all of the important steps in my pregnancy. The cute journaling cards are from the Close to My Heart™ Picture My Life Baby Boy Collection. They are 4×6, but trim down perfectly to fit in the 4×4 sleeves.

Pregnancy Album

This little miracle is growing inside of me! Ultrasound photos are always a favorite to look back on.

Pregnancy Mini Album

The Story by Stacy Album includes with lined 4×4’s that are perfect for journaling. My husband and I wrote a letter to our baby that he can read when he’s older.

Pregnancy Mini Album

We had a gender reveal party and found out we were having another little boy! I added in pictures from that special day.

Pregnancy Mini Album

Another fun thing I added in the album was our baby moon. We went to Park City and enjoyed a few days away as a family of 3 before this little one arrives. I printed some of the pictures on our photostrips. When they are cut out, they are 2×2 with an even white border. I inserted them into the 2×2 flaps and they were perfect for adding more pictures.

Pregnancy Mini Album

Inserting maternity photos is another fun thing to add into the album! I used 4×4 photographic prints as well as 2×2’s from the photostrips.

Pregnancy Mini Album

Our 2 year old loves to look at the album and I know our new little boy will love it too!

Hope this inspires you to print your photos and tell your story!

xoxo, Aubrey