“I don’t know where to start”
or …. “I don’t have time” are the most common excuses when it comes to keeping a photo album or scrapbook.
I’ve been “scrapbooking” since high school and I’ve not missed a year since. I’ve found the best way to stay on top of it is to set aside one day a month to order prints and then when they arrive, I spend 15 minutes slipping them into pocket albums and telling our story. I don’t set high expectations for myself, I keep it very simple. If I do find more time one month to add a little more, I do it!
Don’t set yourself up to fail, start with what you have now. Use your photos from today, and just start! You’ll find your groove and the joy each moment brings to you and your family.
start with these 3 steps:

Time flies! Create a repeating notification in your phone to remind yourself to round up those important moments that were made.
I’ve set up my notification for the last Sunday of each month to remind me to order prints.

2. Stay Organized
Throughout the month, I add my favorite photos to a folder. Create an album in your phone or on your desktop computer called “TO PRINT”.
Add your favorites throughout the month. It’ll become a habit before you know it!
I also recommend checking out this post. Keeping photos organized will help you feel less overwhelmed.

3. Keep it Simple
It doesn’t have to be fancy, but be sure it’s archival and will last!
My albums and style have definitely changed over the years. I haven’t used glue since 2006.
- 1993-2006 was “traditional” with scissors & glue
- 2007-2014 12×12″ digital pages
- 2014- today 12″ albums mixed with full 12×12 and pockets to incorporate tangibles.
What it always comes down to is the story. You’re leaving a legacy and writing your own narrative. Do what’s best for you. Once you find what works for you, you’ll be obsessed with how much fun and rewarding it is! 🙂
It’s a Creative Outlet
It can be therapeutic writing feelings and thoughts (“journaling”) and the creative process can be curative. Give it a shot! You’ll look back on these treasures and be glad you did it.

Recent Travelers Journal (see IG story for more!)

Page 1 of 2020 starts with my word: PATIENCE

Simple 3×4 and 4×6 prints with gold foil cards from Webster’s Vacation Starter Kit.
Make a Plan
I’m keeping it similar to my 2019 Album (check it out!). This year, I’m trying a NEW company that I’ve never used before, Webster’s Pages. These albums are GORGEOUS. I’ve never seen anything like it! The cover textiles and leathers are so high end, these books will be treasures.

What about Photo Books?
I’ve always had mixed emotions about glue bound photo books. Yes, they’re more “compact”, however most photo books are not printed to last. As you can see in this 8×8″ family photo album from 2010 printed at Shutterfly. There are companies who offer hard cover silver halide photo books that start at $100 for 20 pages but most of us aren’t willing to pay this price for our everyday photos.