




Free 8×10 Holiday Printable

Due to a server error, our original post was pulled from our database and cannot be restored. To be honest, we’re too tired (hello christmas cards!) to re…

Free 3×4 Journal Cards

Document your Holidays! Merry Christmas DOWNLOAD…

Create a Custom Card with QR Codes

The Infographic Card I designed for our family Christmas last year was a big hit. What would I come…

QR Scrapbooking

As you can imagine, working at Persnickety Prints I have seen more than my fair share of scrapbook layouts in the past year. I have had so much fun seeing…

Use Infographic Elements to tell your story

An infographic is just that; an informational graphic. Infographics are a fun way to learn about something without all the heavy reading. For visual people (like myself), I can remember…

What are Pixels?

Every photograph, in digital form, is made up of pixels. They are the smallest unit of information that makes up a picture. Usually round or square, they are typically arranged…

Free Back to School Printables

Summer is winding down, marketing ads are turning to lunchboxes and pencils. It’s time to shift to a new schedule and daily routine. Whether our children are entering…

iPhoneography Series: 5 Tips to Avoid Background Clutter

When taking photos, sometimes we’re so focused on the subject that we forget about what’s happening behind it. With mobile photography we don’t have the luxury of controlling aperture to…

iPhoneography Series: Collect App

If you’re following Persnickety Prints on Instagram, you may have noticed a post or two showcasing prints designed in the app,…

Archival Waterproof Prints

The archival nature of photographic printing (digital developing) is what we’re passionate about. In this digital age, we’re taking more photos than ever, yet our posterity may…

iPhoneography Series: Mextures

 same photo filtered 2 ways in Mextures // Text Design in Studio   Mextures  Why I love this app:  Individual layers provide an unlimited creative…

iPhoneography Series: Snapseed

Decisions. Decisions. You snap a photo on your phone, then what? With the large selection of photo editing apps, how do you know which app to use and…