15% off home decor with code: bloom

While we’re all soaking up the sun and having fun with the kiddos out of school, it’s hard to believe that school will be back in session in a few short weeks. Preparing for back to school can feel overwhelming, but this guide will help you make a seamless transition this fall.

get excited for back to school

Back to school is an exciting time! Having the right gear can prepare your children and foster an enthusiasm for school. Part of the excitement for the new school year is having customized gear. Whether your child is just starting school or is a seasoned preteen, creating a custom journal is a fun way to be prepared for the new school year with their own cool school supplies. We recommend choosing a favorite movie or book character, a coloring page cover for your child to fill in, or a design that matches the aesthetic your preteen wants to express. Take it a step further and create matching stickers that your child can use to decorate their binders and folders, or share with a friend. Don’t forget to make a custom bookmark! Having a cool bookmark can make reading for school less of a chore and a lot more fun. Customizing your gear is easier than ever with this Canva tutorial.

back to school
back to school

Preserve the Memory of back to school

In addition to being prepared for school, fall is also an important time to document the changing faces of your family. It’s always surprising to see how much change can happen between the first and last day of school! Here are a few back to school photoshoot tips to help take the best school photos this year. In addition to photographing your family before and after the school year, we recommend interviewing your child and recording how their answers change from year to year. Not sure what to ask? Check out this free interview printable! It makes for a fun school photo opportunity and can easily be shared with grandparents.

school love notes

Build Confidence

Starting the new school year can be a challenging transition for some kids. It can be a new and anxious experience. Help build confidence for your kids through positive affirmations. This can be a fun, new tradition for your preteen or for the whole family! These affirmation cards are a good resource for kids to visually see and easily repeat to themselves before school. Try placing them around the house where your family can see it daily. To help the good feelings last all day long, share a little love note that your child can read while at school. It can be a wonderful reminder to your young child or preteen that they are bright and capable. These free love note printables are easy to place in a backpack or lunchbox.  Try mixing it up and share these free joke printables with your little as an adorable surprise! 

Have your own affirmations or inside jokes that are unique to your family? Create your own mini prints ! Customized prints with positive, familiar phrases can be meaningful messages that add an extra boost of confidence for your kids. 

Order in Time for back to school

There is always so much to do before school starts. Don’t worry, there is still plenty of time to complete it all! We recommend downloading these free printables and ordering prints early. Give yourself about two weeks before school starts to have everything ready before the first day of school. You got this!

back to school calendar

Don’t forget the teachers!

Teachers make a huge impact on our communities and deserve a thoughtful ‘thank you’ gift for being an incredible resource to our children. We have some unique teacher appreciation gift ideas! Do you personally know a teacher who deserves some amazing decor for their classroom? Share these classroom decoration tips and make a lasting impression to the students when they enter the classroom. Learning is fun and cool classroom decor can help foster enthusiasm about the subject!

classroom decoration tips

Setting your kiddo up for a successful school year can be easy and fun! We have the perfect gear that can help the whole family get ready for the new school year. Be sure to tag us on social media and show off your customized aesthetic!


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