





What Happened to You?

How photos help us connect the dots Audible is my preferred way of “reading” especially when the author is also the reader. I just finished Oprah’s latest best…

Podcasting with Stacy Julian

I am lucky enough to be a guest on Stacy's podcast: Exactly Enough Time. It'll pretty much be the best 35 minutes of your day.

Persnickety Founder Chari Pack on Forbes Next 1000 List

Forbes has launched a new initiative that puts small businesses at the center. This list of achievers defy the odds, bootstrapping and scaling businesses built for Main Street, not Wall Street.

Baby’s First Year Photo Collage

Enjoy watching baby grow with this 8x10" circle collage print! Great gift for grandparents to treasure forever.

Photo Displays for a Funeral

We’re never prepared for death, let alone the funeral. Because my Mother had always kept up to date photo albums, it was easy to create a table display, slideshow and…

Framed 2021 Vision Board with CTMH

Hi! Close To My Heart is taking over the Persnickety Prints blog today in hopes to support Chari and the team as they continue…

t’was the month before Christmas 2020

t'was the month before Christmas poem written for the 2020 Covid-19 pandemic.

Customize A Gratitude Journal

A gratitude journal is, quite simply, a tool to keep track of the good things in life. No matter how difficult and defeating life can sometimes feel, there is always…

Send Sunshine with DIY Personalized Postcards

9 Persnickety Prints Team members create and share their own unique postcards to inspire you to spread sunshine! Individual personalized postcards printed same day.

12 Quotes About Strength And Courage

2020 has been a year. Many times I come across a quote that resonates with me. Quotes can mean something different to each of us as we’re living our own…

How to Design & Print Recipe Cards

How to take delicious food photos, plus design and print recipe cards right on your phone!

The Ultimate Nike Collage Wall

Newlyweds, Zach and Madi, are both obsessed with basketball, the Utah Jazz, and their Nike shoes. They collect their favorite Nike’s from online stores like Goat.