




Free 4×6 Quote Templates

“Character, like a photograph, develops in darkness.” -karsh Yesterday we launched a package of 12 free 3×4 photography quotes for you to download, print and…

Free 3×4 Photography Quote Cards

We love photos, obviously. We love quotes too. We’ve designed some of our favorite photography quotes into digital 3×4 cards for you to use in your Project Life™ pockets,…

Free 3×4 Adventure Card Download

Summer 2015 Goal: Beat the Heat & Go Outside Adopt the pace of nature: her…

Snapseed 2.0 Stacks

We’ve been a fan of Snapseed and the selective adjust tool before Google bought it up in 2012. Finally, after 2 years, Google offers a Snapseed update with a completely…

Negative Space in Photography

Truth: A fancy camera will NOT make you a better photographer. Whether shooting with a dSLR or your mobile device, the basic fundamentals are still the same. Today…

2×2 Prints for Studio Calico Albums

When you spend thousands of dollars and months planning a vacation of a lifetime, you want to remember it! For my BIG 40th birthday, my husband booked a vacation/biking adventure…

RootsTech wrap up with David Archuleta

When I was asked to be an Ambassador for Rootstech 2015, I hesitated, my Mom had already “found” the names of our Ancestors, so I thought. RootsTech…

Project 365 Photo Challenge

Welcome 2015! 365 days in 2015. We get to live each day only once. Wherever you’re at in life; the challenges, the ups and downs, it’s your story. Document…

Create a Custom Card with QR Codes

The Infographic Card I designed for our family Christmas last year was a big hit. What would I come…

QR Scrapbooking

As you can imagine, working at Persnickety Prints I have seen more than my fair share of scrapbook layouts in the past year. I have had so much fun seeing…

What are Pixels?

Every photograph, in digital form, is made up of pixels. They are the smallest unit of information that makes up a picture. Usually round or square, they are typically arranged…

Free Back to School Printables

Summer is winding down, marketing ads are turning to lunchboxes and pencils. It’s time to shift to a new schedule and daily routine. Whether our children are entering…