Facebook is Not Intented for photo storage
I’ve recently learned that many of our dear customers are using Facebook Albums as their Photo Organization / Storage, which has inspired this blog post.
“My husband’s father, Al, passed away at the age of 77 from a stroke. Al influenced many people throughout his life and is a legacy in the Star Valley, Wyoming area. The family is scrambling to round up photos from the past 77 years to display at his funeral, but there’s a problem…”

the family didn’t know that facebook wasn’t safe for photos
It’s ok if you don’t have boxes or hard drives filled with photos, it’s your life, your legacy, your choice. However, some of you may not realize the implications of our current digital dilemma.
I’ve been working on enlargements, mounted prints, the funeral program, and a photo slideshow for Al’s funeral. The physical printed photos of Al are beautiful. I can use our high resolution scanner to reproduce, digitize and print enlargements.
It’s the digital photos that have been compromised.
Printed photos can be scanned and enlarged

The Problem
Al’s children have been using Facebook Albums to organize and store their photos over the years. They’ve been using Facebook for photo storage.
“What? Where are the originals? Where are your phone backups? iCloud? Dropbox? Google?” – nothing.

So here I am, trying to find a way to display prints at Al’s funeral, with photos from Facebook.
Facebook and Instagram compresses every image uploaded. Please educate your friends.
We’re taking more photos than ever before. It would be silly to print every photo, but print the one’s you really want to keep. An archival 4×6″ photograph will be easier to find and access than a digital .jpeg in 20 years. The preservation odds are much with a tangible print.
In part 2, I share in detail of what happens to your photos when uploaded to Facebook or Instagram.