15% off home decor with code: bloom

DIY Locker Decor Ideas

Having a locker is exciting and a fun sense of independence! Give your preteen creative freedom to design prints that express their unique aesthetic. These easy steps will upgrade your preteen’s school locker to a new level this year.

3 First Birthday Decor Ideas

Here at Persnickety, we are all about documenting and holding on to precious memories. We know that time is fleeting, and that is especially true about your little ones. That is why we are all about using photos and memories as decor at a birthday! We put together 3 birthday decor ideas using prints for […]

How to take high school dance photos like a pro


as featured on KSL Studio 5 Teenagers aren’t the best at communicating. “Mom, can you take photos of our High School Dance group this Saturday?” is typically asked with just a few days notice. Mark and I have 7 children combined. 2 Covid 2020 Graduates, a Senior, and a Sophomore. We’ve been taking High School […]

Heirloom Locket Prints

locket prints

Create the perfectly sized locket prints to keep your loved ones close to your heart. Print your heirloom picture that will last forever.

Update Your Space with 5 New Etsy Artists

prints from etsy

Support independent artists all over the world on Etsy. Purchase your favorite pieces, upload the JPEG to your Persnickety Prints account and curate the perfect prints to update your space this Spring.

Free recaposter Download

Free Journal Poster Download We are giving you a Persnickety Prints x Recaposter EXCLUSIVE design for FREE to start your 2023.